Friday, February 24, 2012

Week 3

5 minutes warm up 90 second run, 90 second walk, 3 minute run, 3 minutes walk. each of these twice.
Day 1 I ran around my neighborhood for the first time.  It was a little chilly.  When I drove it to see how far I went it was only 1.6 miles.  We will see how the next one goes.
Day 2 I was back in the gym i did 46 laps which 2.25 miles.
Day 3 I was the only one on the track and did 37 laps which is 1.75 miles.  I was confused but then realized that days 1 and 3 I was running with no one around and no one to pace myself with.  I'm going to have to learn to run  and walk at the same speed weather I'm alone or not.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

week 2

5 min warm up intervals of 90 seconds running 2 minutes walking for 20 minutes and then a 5 minutes cool down.
Day 1- I ran around the track in the gym this time.  Each lap is 1/20th of a mile and I did 42.  But I had my phone in my pocket, and the track skipped around a couple times and I had to re find my place.  4.1 miles in total
Day 2- It was Saturday so the gym was full of little basketball players and their families.  So I did the treadmill, I have found I prefer the track over the treadmill.  I made it about 12 minutes in and had a horrible stitch in my side so i stopped.  .71 mile in total.
Day 3- I was back on the track and did 42 laps again

Thursday, February 9, 2012

Week 1

5 minute warm up and then intervals of 60 seconds running, 90 seconds walking for 20 minutes and then 5 minute cool down
Week 1 was tough and took about a week and a half because the kids were sick and I couldn't go to the gym.  The first two workouts I did on the treadmill without the podcast because I hadn't gotten earphones yet.  I went about 1.5 miles in the 30 minutes.  The third workout the kids had been sick so I ran in the house with the podcast.  The kids and cat looked at me like I was crazy.

The start

While Matt is deployed I want to get in shape.  My brother did the couch to 5k program in the past, and inspired me to do it.  I've started strength training on machines and using the couch to 5k program.  This is the podcast and description of what I am using to train It is a 9 week program that you train 3 times a week.   My goal is to participate in the mini 500's 5k in May and maybe Race for the Cure in April.  I will have just finished the program right before Race for the Cure. This is my journey.